Neural coding in the auditory system

Living systems are never at rest. They are highly dynamic in order to perceive the ever-changing world. In the Barral lab, we are generally interested in the interface between biophysics and neurosciences and more specifically in the biological strategies that organs and organisms have developed to actively sense their environment. These strategies are best illustrated in the sense of hearing. We studied this issue from a physical perspective at the level of the peripheral auditory system and at the level of the central nervous system.


We are currently looking for creative and motivated postdocs, graduate and undergraduate students to join our team. Please see Positions Available and contact Jérémie Barral.


May 2023 - The Institut de l'Audition will labelled as the Institut Hospitalo-Universitaire re-Connect!

July 2023 We received a grant from the ANR CORTIORGAN to build optogenetic cochlear implants.

June 2022 - Introduction video of the Hearing Institute for the FENS 2022 meeting. Have a look!

May 2022 - New review on processing of auditory information in Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience. Congrats Nadège!

March 2022 - Wei and Jules joined the lab for a PhD and an engineer position. Welcome to them!

May 2021 - Nadège joined the lab for a Master internship. Welcome Nadège!

March 2021 - Report from the Institut Pasteur devoted to research on deafness.

March 2021 - Fernando joined the lab for a Master internship. Welcome Fernando!

Feb 2020 - Official inauguration of the Hearing Institute on February 27, 2020

Feb 2020 - We actually moved to the Hearing Institute, come and visit us!

Jan 2020 - Aurélien joined the lab for a Master internship. Welcome Aurélien!

Sept 2019 - The inaugural meeting of the Hearing Institute was a large success!

Sept 2019 - A new paper published in Nature Communications shows how temporal and rate signals propagate in multilayer networks.

July 2019 - Inaugural meeting of the Hearing Institute on September 16th and 17th.

July 2019 - The Hearing Institute is part of the Institut Pasteur.

June 2019 - The CNRS confirms its commitment to the project by giving Jérémie a permanent position.

April 2019 - Daiana is the first postdoc in the lab. Welcome Daiana!

February 2018 - Watch Jérémie Barral's talk at Cosyne 2018 in Denver (CO, USA).


The lab received the Career Development Award from Human Frontier Science Program.

Jérémie Barral was awarded the CNRS Momentum.

The lab received funding from the Fondation pour l'Audition.